
Why Clementines are great for stimulating natural collagen production in your skin!

Why Clementines are great for stimulating natural collagen production in your skin!

Clementines are rich in Vitamin C which stimulates your skins natural production of collagen. Collagen is a major protein component of your skin. It helps your body to build and rejuvenate new skin cells. Clementines also have powerful antioxidants that protect against free radical damage and help reduce your skin’s appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Being a source of many potent antioxidants like limonene linalool, α-pinene, α-terpineol, β-pinene and myrcene, Clementines help your body protect against free radical damage.

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Boosting your immune system with Vitamin C and Elderberry.

Boosting your immune system with Vitamin C and Elderberry.

I'm preparing for a long next 2 years. The COVID-19 global pandemic I fear is only just beginning. My friend is an ER doctor, and she has seen the pandemic first hand at its very worst. It's tragic. It is not just a virus. It's a deadly virus that we are still only just learning about. It is also sadly super contagious and can produce many devastating life altering effects to everyone of all ages. No one is except. So we are then forced to wait until a vaccine is developed and properly tested to be effective and safe for us all to use. And who knows how long that is going to be, quite possibly 1-2 years away.  Traditionally it can take up to 8 years for a vaccine to be fully developed, tested and trialed to be considered safe to enter the pharmaceutical marketplace. So we are forced to resort to common health care practices that are known to be highly effective. Social distancing. Wearing masks. Washing our hands regularly. Sanitizing frequently. Working from home. Limiting our contact with other humans as much as we are able. 

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Seven reasons why we love Sweet Fennel oil oh so much!

Seven reasons why we love Sweet Fennel oil oh so much!

Sweet fennel oil is amazing as a toning agent for your skin! Sweet Fennel essential oil is produced from the seeds of the Fennel plant and has been a popular skincare ingredient throughout the ages in Africa, Asia and in Australia. The oil is also famous for its distinct sweet scent, similar to star anise, but sweeter and more of a plant based scent. 

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