
Seven reasons why we love Sweet Fennel oil oh so much!

Seven reasons why we love Sweet Fennel oil oh so much!

1. Sweet fennel oil is amazing as a toning agent for your skin! Sweet Fennel essential oil is produced from the seeds of the Fennel plant and has been a popular skincare ingredient throughout the ages in Africa, Asia, India and in Australia. The oil is also famous for its distinct sweet scent, it's super calming aromatherapy vibes to chill you out instantly, its similar to star anise, but sweeter and more of a plant based scent.  Sweet fennel oil is extracted through a method known as distillation the oldest way of making essential oils and perfumes, still regarded as the most pure extraction method to harness all of the goodness of the sweet fennel seed. It produces the highest grade of essential oil with the no impurities.

2. Fennel oil works as a tonic by toning all the systems that function in your body, such as the respiratory, digestive, nervous and excretory systems, while also facilitating the absorption of nutrients in the body, thereby increasing strength and boosting immunity. This is why we use Sweet Fennel oil as one of the star ingredients in our Clary Sage Toner! 

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3. With this method, the seeds of the sweet fennel plant are crushed to release the aromas and goodness. Sweet Fennel oil has strong natural antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which make it suitable as an anti-bacterial treatment serum. That's great news for long time acne suffers, or those of us that need to keep our skin super clean and clear to ward off any nasty breakouts caused by lingering bacteria on the skin. 

4. Also, Sweet Fennel can also help to balance dry or oily skin. The oil also has depurative qualities. This means that it can detoxify your blood stream and kill off any bacteria inside your stomach. 

Sweet Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce) - Plants | Candide ...

5. If you're pregnant and planning on breast feeding, it is said that sweet fennel oil can help stimulate the production of estrogen in a women’s body. Estrogen is a hormone that is responsible for many of the features that make women feminine. By stimulating estrogen production during or directly after your pregnancy, your body could possibly produce more milk, however, you should only use Sweet Fennel essential oil during pregnancy after having consulted a doctor and in small, regulated doses.

6. Sweet Fennel essential oil can also be used by middle-aged women to help relieve them of menstrual cramps caused by menopause. By increasing the amount of estrogen in your system, you can effectively prevent or delay premature menopause and help to strengthen your body during the first phases of menopause.

7. Ohhh and this is one of my favorite reasons to love sweet fennel oil, rub a little 1 - 2 drops on the back of your dog to ward off fleas - it turns out that fleas can't stand the scent of Fennel!