Rainbow Hematite pendant crystal. Hemp necklace.


Known as The Master Grounding Stone with shades of warrior magic, Rainbow Hematite is a shield on the battlefield of life. Raring to go when it comes to dissolving low energy vibrations, this stabilizing stone brings plenty of benefits to the table.

Connected the Solar Plexus and root chakras, Rainbow Hematite is a special piece of jewelry for those who want to feel safer in their own skin.

If you struggle with keeping boundaries, find you cannot stand up for yourself in times of conflict, and feel that staying grounded is a challenge, Rainbow Hematite keeps you strong and firm in your space.

Splashed with all the colors of the seven chakras, Rainbow Hematite is like a sponge for the soul – ever ready to soak up all that negative energy.

For those empaths and deep thinkers who feel like they need a soul stone to absorb the darkness of the heart, Rainbow Hematite is a rare gift.

Connecting with the solar plexus, Rainbow Hematite can be used as a protective force, can grant solid grounding, and can also be used to dig yourself out of stuck in the mud scenarios.

This listing is for 1 rainbow hematite pendant crystal and hemp cord color of your choosing!

You can choose one of four colors for your necklace cord, it will be a tie at the back and we’ll give you extra length so you can adjust to your liking:
- Light blue
- Sky blue
- Blue
- Dark blue

From the deep mountains of Brazil, Rainbow Hematite is born in all her bright shimmering glory. The stone takes its name from the Greek word for blood, and with her welcome weight in your hand and her dark and dreamy undertones, it’s a stone that lends itself well to healing. The dominant energy forces and fierce magnetic nature helps to bring our yin and yang into balance.